2023 Saw the return of our full 2 night experience for the Montreal Burlesque Festival, at Club Soda, in Montreal.

Firstly, a huge THANK YOU to our amazing performers that graced the stage and made for such a wonderful show during both nights.

Second, a THANK YOU to our home from home, Club Soda, and all the amazing staff that help to make a great show experience for all.

Next, a Festival sized THANK YOU to every single person that came to the show. You create our Festival atmosphere and we literally wouldn’t have a show without your attendance!

Finally, THANK YOU to our sponsors for being such an important part of what makes our event important every time!

THANK YOU to our Patron of the Arts, Jim Norcross.

To our Lili St Cyr 2023 Award Winners

Mila LaMachina
Friday October 13th saw the return of our competition, the Lili St Cyr Awards Show, where we crowned the Best Act, Mila LaMachina, from Michigan, USA!


Belle Epoque
A great performance ensured that Belle Epoque from Toronto, Canada received our 1st Runner Up award!


Cream No Peaches
Another fabulous performer, all the way from Australia, Cream No Peaches was awarded the 2nd Runner Up for the LiLi St. Cyr Awards Show


Another great performance by the troupe from Sherbrooke City, Sherlesque!

Make sure you stay tuned to our festival page and our newsletters for news and announcements for future events. We will soon be releasing our photographers archive page with all the pictures from the festival, and announcing dates and ticket links for our 2024 Festival!

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Email: [email protected]

Venue Info: CLUB SODA
1225 St Laurent Blvd,
Montreal, QC
H2X 2S6
Tel:(514) 286-1010

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