9th edition - the fantasy continues

October 19-20-21 2017

Club Soda, Montreal


Dirty Martini
April March
Sukki Singapora
Angie Pontani
Missy Lisa
Scarlett James

Planning a festival is really intense I have a small team around me but it’s just a great team!
I am very fortunate to be surrounded by formidable people and such talented artists in the community and in Montreal.

2017 was an amazing year with amazing headliners it is really a privilege to be able to share all those talents in Montreal.
2017 is the 9th Edition of the Montreal Burlesque Festival. A time of reflection, a time of retrospective, appreciation and a time also to look forward.
It is always nerve-wracking to produce a festival but also such excitement when you bring names like Dirty Martini and Angie Pontani who are leaders who paved the way for all of us performers and producers. I want to say thank you to everyone for your trust and for your faith in my team and I.

And now let’s rock 2018!


Take a look through our Montreal Burlesque Festival ‘press book’ showcasing our media coverage for 2017!

October 2017
Take a look through our Montreal Burlesque Festival ‘press book’ showcasing our media coverage for 2017!


October 16th, 2017
CTV News covers the Montreal Burlesque Festival Press launch

Check out the original link HERE

October 12th, 2017

Scarlett James appears on Breakfast Television Montreal to talk about the upcoming Montreal Burlesque Festival 2017.

Montreal Burlesque Festival at Club Soda

Scarlett James & White Keys Vodka present the 9th edition of the Montreal Burlesque Festival, a celebration of live performances, sensuality, glamour and fashion. The festival’s founder is here to encourage Montrealers to join the celebration.

Posted by Breakfast Television Montreal on Thursday, October 12, 2017

October 10th, 2017
Scarlett James and Tristan Ginger are interviewed by Mutsumi Takahashi on CTV News about the upcoming 9th Montreal Burlesque Festival

Check out the original link HERE

September 18th, 2017

 Our Official Press Release for the Montreal Burlesque Festival 2017.

English release HERE.

French release HERE.

To get access and cover the festival’s events or to get your article in our press page please contact us!  We will get you in touch with our Publicist Miss Leeja Murphy @Pink Marketing.